Last Week Mr Disney, President-elect Holly and Mr. Blake With President-elect Holly firmly in command of the meeting, we welcomed Chuck Disney and Michael Blake to our meeting last week. Mr. Disney talked about the efforts to bring a large movie studio lot to an area west of Buckeye and the involvement of the state and the city needed to make such a project successful. He pointed to Louisiana, New Mexico and Georgia for examples of states who have been successful in attracting movie and television production inside their borders. Mr. Blake spoke about all the various facilities, amenities, talent and support a world class movie production business requires. As a child actor and a two-time Emmy award winning make-up artist, Mr. Blake had many interesting facts to share with our group. We are fortunate to call Chuck and Michael neighbors.
President Cheryl's Reign Comes to an End June 25 will be the last meeting in the one-year term of President Cheryl. Please thank her for the time and effort she has devoted to the success of the Verrado Rotary Club this past year. Being President of the club is an important job as well as a rich and rewarding experience and we are grateful to Cheryl for saying “yes” when the call came. Goodbye- Welcome- |